June, 28 2018
This was an early morning when I was running in the Bois de Vincennes and I suddenly I had this white peacock in front of me in his white elusive wedding dress.
The feathers of the white peacock were like wool flowing in the wind,even the wind was not there. The beautiful white tail feathers were going into an enormous fan that after a while was settling down on the ground as a wedding dress. Not far away I saw a blue peacock mating a peahan walking around shaking his tail feathers to catch the attention of the female in front of him.I got completly paralyzed of the blue and green colors that were shimmering in the lights.I was wondering "who can resist a man like that". In the human world is completly opposite ,it is the woman that put on her the wonderful dress to be attractive.That made me thinking and it was a good way to start the day ....
Peacocks are the males of the species of birds called peafowl, though sometimes the term peacock is used to refer to both sexes of peafowls. The white peafowls are a result of a mutation in the peafowl’s DNA. This mutation is called leucism, and it is distinct from albinism. The blue peafowl, is the peafowl that is arguably the most famous out of all the peafowl. It is found in a much larger habitat range than the other types of peafowl. The blue peacock doesn’t just have impressive tail feathers, the feathers of the bird’s neck and the rest of its body are a bright blue color and they shimmer in the light, turning blue-green which you can see on the photos.It's the structure of the feathers that are responsible for their striking colors.

Signe Nordli Becker
I’m Signe Nordli Becker and I grew up in a small artic town at the top of Norway, where you see reindeers on the road with Nordic Light moving in the sky.
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