January, 09 2017

This is a real life fairy tale in a frosted forest. You can take a drink in the bar among the snow animals like the fox and owl surrounded with icy snow branches.
This hotel is a luxury hotel for Eskimos because you can’t fear the cold to survive a whole night inside! The temperature in the snow hotel is around-4 degrees Celsius. If you stay one or two nights make sure that you leave for a safari with the blue eyed Husky dogs. The owner has 200 dogs that love to run and pull you in this beautiful northern tundra. Maybe that day you will get lucky and see the Northern Lights.
The snow hotel is located in the Arctic town of Kirkenes - "at the top of the world" - by the Barents sea, close to the Russian border, just on the other side of the fjord of Vadsø. It is built with ice and snow every winter. New stories and new ice sculpting will be done every year.

Signe Nordli Becker
I’m Signe Nordli Becker and I grew up in a small artic town at the top of Norway, where you see reindeers on the road with Nordic Light moving in the sky.
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